summer haiku, #7

first thing to do
take off these sandals
wash away the sand

(originally posted on summer haiku 2008)



Borut said...

And this was Issa's way of doing it:)

scatterhaiku said...

thanks for the link, borut. :) cool haiku. :)

polona said...

ha, nice... and a sensible thing to do

scatterhaiku said...

sensible indeed. :) thanks for the comment, polona. :)

Tikkis said...

My friend had a poem something like this:

Before you are going
to come into my bed
take off at least
your shoes...

scatterhaiku said...

thanks for sharing the poem, tikkis. :) as polona would say, 'tis a sensible thing to do. :)

Anonymous said...

That's great--actually something I needed to do earlier, after taking a walk which ended up being partly in the Wissahickon Creek, but didn't, so brought sand into the house again--and of course that's exactly what's great about it--taking the care in these lines about something I'm not mindful enough to do in life.

scatterhaiku said...

thanks for the kind words, yogaforcynics. :) nice that you can go out and walk somewhere where there's sand... none of that here unfortunately... :(